Done with ease
What can our assistants do?
We can also take care of your scheduling, purchase items for you, research anything, make phone calls, compare prices, get you refunds, deal with customer service and much more!
Just set up your Google Calendar with us and we can not only schedule things for you, but make sure there aren't any conflicts while we update your appointments.

There's more to scheduling than just meetings.
- Health care appointments
- Beauty appointments
- Doctors' appointments
- Dentists appointments
- Car maintenance
- Craigslist sales
- Wedding vendors
- Event vendors
- Home maintenance vendors
- Cable / ISP maintenance
- PTA meetings
- Restaurant reservations
We can make purchases on your behalf for up to $200 and bill you later for it keeping your information safe and secure. Once we've located the items you're looking for you'll be asked to approve the item and price.
Research can be broad inquiries, price or vendor comparisions, small pieces to a much larger puzzle, answers by phone, sending emails or just input from someone with a different point of view.
Just make sure to take a second to catch us up to speed, give us all the details of what you're looking for or anything to avoid and we'll get to work.